Quick Synopsis
Thinking about going plant-based but worried you won't get the nutrients your body needs? We're busting 5 common plant-based myths about vegan nutrition to put your mind at ease.
The Full Story
Eating plant-based is on the rise as more and more folks discover the health benefits of eating this way. Despite its growing popularity, there’s still a ton of misinformation around a plant-based lifestyle. Let’s tackle (and bust) 5 common plant-based myths.
Myth 1: You won’t get enough protein on a plant-based diet
If you’re already eating plant-based, I’m sure you’re sick of talking about protein…I’m sorry! If you’re new to eating this way and worried you won’t get enough protein, here’s the simple answer: you’ll be fine as long as you’re eating a whole food plant-based diet and not a junk food vegan diet.
What’s the difference between whole food plant-based and junk food vegan? A vegan diet means abstaining from animal products. But you can be vegan and eat unhealthy foods — Oreos are technically vegan, after all. A whole food plant-based also means limiting or avoiding animal products, but is health-focused and centers around unprocessed or minimally processed grains, legumes, beans, fruits, vegetables, and nuts.
The only way to be protein deficient is by not getting enough real food overall (Oreos all day). A well-rounded plant-based diet provides the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of protein, no problem. The official RDA for protein is 8% to 10% of total calories consumed.
Notice this is NOT a minimum; this is the recommended amount.
Here’s the thing: Americans should stop fretting about vegans lacking protein (they’re not!). Instead, maybe fret a little about how so many people on the Standard American Diet aren’t getting enough protein and are eating too much protein, which increases our risk for chronic diseases and long-term health issues.
Try these plant-based protein sources:
Spinach: 1 cup = 7 grams
Kale: 1 cup = 5 grams
Peas: 1 cup = 9 grams
Nut butter: 2 tablespoons = 8 grams
Quinoa: 1 cup = 9 grams
Lentils: 1 cup = 18 grams
Beans: 1 cup = 13-15 grams
Tempeh: 1 cup = 30 grams
Myth #2: You can’t get enough calcium without dairy
First, you can get more than enough calcium on a plant-based diet. Many veggies are high in calcium, especially leafy greens.
And here’s another thing to consider: the dairy industry’s claim that milks builds stronger bones isn’t necessarily true.
Research shows that animal products can actually deplete calcium from your bones, whereas plant-based calcium sources do not. This may explain why populations with the most milk consumption have the highest rates of hip fractures.
Protect your bones by doing weight-bearing exercises, getting enough Vitamin D, and eating plant-based foods for calcium.
Try these plant-based calcium sources:
Kale: 1 cup = 101mg calcium
Soybeans: 1 cup = 515mg soy
Spinach: 1 cup = 30mg calcium
Collard greens: 1 cup = 84mg calcium
Broccoli: 1 cup = 70mg calcium
Myth 3: You shouldn’t eat plant-based if you’re an athlete
Connected to the protein myth, there’s a big worry that if you switch to a plant-based diet your athletic performance and/or ability to build muscle will suffer.
Don’t fret — as you can see from this image of plant-based body builder, Torre Washington, the opposite appears to be true. Studies show eating a vegan diet can actually reduce your recovery time between workouts by lowering inflammation in the body.
Thanks to nutrient density and anti-inflammatory properties, it’s no wonder more and more professional athletes, from Serena Williams to Tom Brady, are switching to plant-based foods.
As for not being able to gain muscle, more protein does not equal more muscle. Adding more protein to your workout routine while maintaining the same amount of physical exertion will not yield bigger muscles or faster gains. In fact, adding too much protein can have adverse effects on your health, as we mentioned in Myth #1.
Not sure how to prep plant-based meals for your workout? Check out our plant-based Athlete's Bundle here to get prepared vegan meals to help you perform, recover, and optimize your body's potential everyday.
Myth 4: You won’t like the taste of plant-based food
We could go on and on about how delicious plant-based food can be but if you’re eating a Standard American Diet — one that’s high in saturated fat, salt, and added sugar — you probably won’t like the taste of whole food plant-based meals, at first. Your taste buds have lost sensitivity and are dulled from years of junk.
The good news: your taste buds can re-set in a matter of weeks when you stop eating a high fat, sugar, and salt diet.
Our advice: try eating exclusively whole food plant-based for 2 weeks and give your taste buds some time to regain sensitivity. Research shows the longer you eat whole food plant-based foods, the more you’ll like the taste of the food and eventually, Standard American fare will taste too fatty, salty, and sugary.
Myth 5: You’ll be tired all the time on a plant-based diet
Don’t lose any sleep worrying over this myth. A plant-based diet high in complex carbohydrates and fiber is linked with improved sleep quality. A high fat diet, on the other hand, can diminish sleep quality.
After switching from Standard American Diet foods to a plant-based diet, you may also find you have more energy during the day. Plants are much easier on your digestive system than animal products. When you’re body is working hard to digest, you can feel drained.
Want to try a whole food plant-based diet but not sure where to start?
Join our 2-Week Plant-Based Challenge here to get ready-made meals delivered to your door, plus real-time support from our plant-based experts.
Key Takeaways
There are a lot of plant-based nutrition myths buzzing about out there. The good news is - that's all they are: myths. You can get the nutrients you need with a well-rounded whole food plant-based diet.
- You'll get plenty of protein, no supplementation required
- Calcium is found in loads of whole plant-based foods, like leafy greens and soybeans
- Athlete's can not only eat this way, they can thrive on plants!
- Plant-based food isn't just healthy. It's delicious!
- You'll most likely sleep better on a whole food plant-based diet
What our customers are saying
The BEST environmentally friendly home service!!!!!! THE BEST "ship to home" meal service out there! Hands down. The food is delicious - just enough flavoring that you can jazz the meal up with your own spices if you wish. Nothing is bland or overly spicy. BEST OF ALL - they include a shipping label for you to RETURN all the packing materials to them for FREE for reuse until ready for recycling. Environmentally OUTSTANDING!!!! SO easy and enjoyable. And the vegan menu is superb.
- Allison Hall, MamaSezz Customer
About MamaSezz
MamaSezz is the leading whole food plant-based prepared meal delivery company in the U.S. We make it easier for you to be your healthiest self by delivering hearty, fresh, ready to eat whole food plant-based meals with no B.S. (you know, Bad Stuff) right to your door.