As we at MamaSezz well know, changing to a plant-based diet can change your life in ways you never expected. In this series, we talk with some of the world’s most soulful, dedicated (and often funny) individuals. We get to hear their stories of suffering, transformation, and service — and we learn how food is an essential part of their journey.
In this addition of Transformation Tuesday we talk to Kim Murphy, the founder of Simply Plant Based Kitchen™ and MamaSezz customer.
What prompted your interest in a plant-based diet?
My first attempts at plant-based eating were not successful and only lasted a few months. I lost weight and felt great, but I didn't have enough simple and easy recipes that tasted good to make it last.
I was a busy mom, working 60+ hours a week and was discouraged when so many recipes would take hours, have ingredients I hadn't heard of, and would end up tasting terrible.
My turning point was when my father passed away from Alzheimer's. He also had heart disease and cancer. I didn't want that to be my future and I learned that all the chronic diseases we fear are PREVENTABLE with our food.
What happened?
I was at my highest weight in YEARS and nothing I did seemed to work; I only continued to yo-yo diet and put on more weight than I could take off. Calorie counting, Weight Watchers, Keto, Whole 30…I’ve tried them all, y’all…
I was also tired all the time, didn't sleep well, had brain fog, my joints hurt when I exercised, and my mood was not great.
But after re-committing to a whole food plant-based, I lost 19 pounds and 17.5 inches in only 20 weeks!!!And I’ve been able to keep it off, without feeling hungry, deprived or counting a single calorie! And the best part is, I FEEL so much better.
I have more energy, zero constipation. My joints and mood are great. I sleep better and the brain fog has completely lifted (which I had been worried about since my dad’s Alzheimer’s diagnosis). I've never felt so good!
How were you able to stick with such a dramatic diet change?
I’ve slowly transitioned to be about 95 percent whole food plant based. But I’m not going to beat myself up trying to be “perfect."
Perfection is what caused me to fail at WFPB several years ago on my first attempt, so I remind myself daily that it’s about “progress, not perfection." This is not a temporary diet, but a long term LIFESTYLE for the best health and longevity possible. I just make the best choices possible, even if I'm traveling!
What is your life like now?
I created my website Simply Plant Based Kitchen to help inspire and teach others how to make whole food plant based eating simple, easy, and delicious so they can make it work with their busy lives, even if they don't think they can cook! I've also received my Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate through eCornell and the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies, as well as my Health Coaching Certification from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition.
What is your favorite MamaSezz dish?
I LOVE all MamaSezz products because I can trust all the ingredients to be WFPB no-oil, which I haven't found in any other delivery food service. I love that they are heat and eat meals that taste AMAZING, and saves me time when I get really busy.
Have Your Own Plant-Based Transformation?!
Tell us all about it! We'd love to know how a plant-based diet changed your life and health. Send us an email at heartbeetgang@mamasezz.com to share your story.