Quick Synopsis
The Full Story
It probably goes a little something like this. You've been on the road for a few hours. It’s hot. You’re been traveling half the day and you are tired and hungry. You stop at a gas station to fill up and grab a snack. Cheesy pizzas spin on a heated carousel at the checkout, right next to a 2-for-1 special on donuts. You’re cranky, but not ready to eat day-old pizza. You search the food aisles: rows of candy and chips. (Some of the chips even claim to be “veggie” chips, but don’t fall for it – most are still soaked with oil, salt, and fat.)
You’ve heard the tips for a plant-based road trip. Carry nuts with you. Drink lots of water. And sure, these are valid ideas. But why do so many of us still struggle with food choices while we travel?
And more importantly...
How can we eat and feel well on the road?
My mother was a master at preparation and sticking to her budget. These were the days before gas stations carried much more than coke and cigarettes, and restaurants were out of the question. She had five hungry kids. I remember her sitting in the front seat with two loaves of bread, slapping on the peanut butter and jelly and tossing sandwiches over her shoulder to us. Each kid got two sandwiches and a cup of water from the green Stanley Thermos. We loved it, felt full and happy afterwards, and even got an apple for dessert.
Now, plant-based and with a 5-year-old of my own, I try to take cue from my mom (minus the white bread PB&J’s) and avoid unhealthy and frustrating convenience store visits by planning ahead.
Taking your own plant-based road trip?
1. Go old school
2. Pack double
3. Research!
Key Takeaways
- You don't have to eat convenience store junk food!
- Pack snacks!
- Overpack snacks
- Look up places to eat ahead of time
Tell us your own plant-based road trips hacks in the comments or on social media with hashtag #MamaRoadTrip
By Meg Donahue, MamaSezz co-founder