Whether you're hosting Thanksgiving this year or headed to a relative's house, this super easy plant-based Thanksgiving recipe comes to the rescue. These plant-based mashed potatoes have only 5 ingredients and can whipped up in your blender. The veggie broth gives them a creamy texture without any added butter (so your tummy can enjoy the holidays in peace!).
Serves: 3
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
What's in plant-based mashed potatoes?
2 large red potatoes (can also use Russet or Yukon Gold)
2 cloves garlic
3/4 cup low-sodium veggie broth (can sub with almond milk if you prefer)
2 tsp nutritional yeast
Black pepper to taste
How to make plant-based mashed potatoes?
1. Scrub potatoes then cut in half and cover with 1 inch of water in large pot (keep the skins on for extra nutrients - or peel if your preference!)
2. Bring to a boil then simmer for 12-15 minutes, until soft enough to slide a butter knife through
3. While potatoes are cooking, peel garlic
4. When potatoes are done, let them cool for a few minutes then put them in a high-speed blender (a Vitamix or a Ninja - if you don't have either use a food processor or a Kitchen Aid on medium-high)* and add the garlic, veggie broth, and nutritional yeast. Pulse until desired texture. If you want super creamy, they may take a few rounds of pulsing and you can add more veggie broth as you go.
5. Sprinkle with black pepper if you like and enjoy with our Mushroom Gravy recipe or using our Hungarian Mushroom Soup as gravy.
Looking for more plant-based Thanksgiving recipes?
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