Mamasezz Living: A Wholesome Lifestyle Blog — how to's
Whole-Food Plant-Based Diet: How Do Vegans Get Protein?
Quick Synopsis Worried you can't get enough protein on a whole food plant-based diet? This is a common anxiety. We usually think of protein sources in terms of animal products: meat, eggs, and dairy. So can you get your protein from plants? We've got the scoop. Before We Start: A Gift For You! The Full Story What do you think of when you hear the word protein? If you’re anything like most people, you may find yourself picturing muscle bound athletes kicking back heavily processed dairy shakes and going to town on greasy hunks of meat. And there’d be a...
Whole-Food Plant-Based and Vegan Grocery List (on a Budget)
There are a lot of people out there who see the benefits of a vegan or whole-food plant-based diet, and yet ultimately choose not to embrace the lifestyle. Why is this? Well, obviously the reasons are going to vary from person to person — some feel like they lack the willpower to give up certain foods, others might be caught up in the myth that plant protein is somehow inferior to animal protein (which it isn’t). But one of the most commonly cited deterrents is cost. Namely, the idea that a plant-based diet is just too expensive to support. What?...
Learn How to Read a Nutrition Label
Learning how to read nutrition labels is a great skill, especially as you move to a whole food plant-based diet. Make your trip to the supermarket easier with these tips for assessing nutrition labels quickly.
How to Change: Embracing the Fear of Failure
How do you react to opportunities? Do you jump in with both feet? Or do you get ready to jump but fear stops you. For me, I jump right in and then quickly thereafter become full of fear that I'm going to fail. And I do fail sometimes. Actually, if I'm going to be completely transparent, I “fail” (according to my biggest most times. But here's the part I want to talk about: what is failing, exactly? And what happens to us when we let that the fear of failure keep us from trying? My journey and my biggest...