Mamasezz Living: A Wholesome Lifestyle Blog — performance
Ask Addie: Is a Plant-Based Diet for Athletes Healthy? Do I Need to Supplement? (A Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Weights In)
Our favorite RDN give us the rundown on a plant-based diet for athletes and answers the supplement question.
Are Sports Drinks Safe? What You Need to Know
Do you really need to replenish electrolytes after a workout? And are sports drinks a safe way to do it?
10 Simple Ways to Boost Your Plant-Based Protein Intake At Every Meal
Skip the protein powders and stock up on these whole food plant-based protein sources instead.
The Cleanest Sources of Plant-Based Carbs to Fuel Your Workouts
Carb loading IS beneficial to athletes...but only if you eat the right carbs. Eat this, not that.