Mamasezz Living: A Wholesome Lifestyle Blog — vitality
Why you should NOT cut (whole) carbs
Quick Synopsis Thinking about cutting carbs to improve your health and lose weight? You may want to think again. Keep reading to get the scoop on carbs, blood sugar, and why as much as 75-80% of your diet should come from whole carbohydrates. The Full Story Did you know whole food plant-based nutrition experts suggest 75-80% of your diet come from carbs? Now I know what you’re thinking — this must be a mistake! Carbs, according to your keto friend at the gym (not to mention a lot of advertising and media messaging), are the enemy! They make you fat, they give...
Do THIS to Decrease Your Risk Of Stroke by 35%
Meet my sister, Sue. In just three months, she did something that 75 million Americans haven’t been able to do. She lowered her risk of stroke by 35 percent Lowered her risk of a heart attack by 25 percent Lowered her risk of heart failure by more than 50 percent Lowered her risk of kidney disease by 35 percent How did she do all of these things?She took control of chronic high blood pressure by transitioning to a whole food, plant-based diet. "But you look healthy!" You would never know by looking at Sue that high blood pressure was an issue. She’s...
Eat Up! 4 Health Benefits of Mushrooms
Last week we gave everyone who purchased a bundle a free sample of our latest dish. And the verdict is in: they loved it! So we’re super excited to officially offer the Hungarian Mushroom Soup on the menu as of this week! Mushrooms aren’t just a delicious ingredient in our latest creamy springtime entree. They’re also packed with nutrients. In fact, the health benefits of mushrooms are kind of incredible. By including more mushrooms in your diet, you can: 1. Boost Heart Health While mushrooms are generally cholesterol-free, they’ve also got lots of chitin and beta-glucan. These are the fibers that lower cholesterol and...
4 Simple Steps to a Happier, Unplugged Life
Ever been water skiing? Remember the first time you actually made it out of the water? That magical moment when you are defying physics. Suddenly you are no longer bobbing in the shallows trying not to cross the two fat boards attached to your feet. Man, you are up! Skimming across the water, one shaky hand wave to your mom on shore. You have arrived. 8-years-old and queen of the lake. Then another boat passes yours, the waves from their wake hit your skis - you struggle, terrified. Oh, crud. You’re going down. You see everyone in the boat waving...